We hope to create awareness about simple things that anybody can do to lead a 'greener' lifestyle.  Here are some ideas on ways to join us 'Green Gals' in the fight to save our environment!!

  • use cloth diapers
  • make your own baby food
  • switch to energy efficient light bulbs
  • use cold water in your laundry
  • air dry dishes in the dishwasher instead of using the heat-dry option
  • use natural homemade cleaners to reduce toxins in our home and the environment
  • recycle everything!
  • use recycled stuff for art projects with your kids
  • avoid buying greeting cards, we make them out of recycled paper (old cards we've received) or instead of shredding old bills we've mashed them into new paper! If you aren't crafty (I'm not) just use your kid as an excuse for why the cards look less than perfect
  • make wrapping paper out of old paper or reuse wrapping paper and gift bags
  • buy 100% recycled and/or unbleached paper products (toilet paper, paper towel, kleenex)
  • buy local whenever possible, especially produce
  • choose products with less packaging
  • use reusable bags instead of plastic and avoid using plastic bags even when you don't have your reusable bags with you
  • eat less red meat
  • shorten your showers
  • turn off lights when you aren't in the room, unplug appliances that aren't being used (cell phone chargers, coffee makers, toasters etc)
  • buy second hand and hand down/resell your used stuff
  • grow your own food (even if you don't have a garden you can grow herbs etc. in containers)
  • use 'grey' water for the toilet and watering plants
  • compost
  • use low-flow toilets and shower heads
  • support local community gardens
  • Put a brick in the back of your toilet to minimize the water level
  • If you see garbage on the ground while out for a stroll, at a park or beach-PICK IT UP!
  • Live in environmentally sound home: http://earthship.com/
  • Eat within a 100 mile radius, local and organic!


There are so many small things you can do everyday that really make a huge difference.  So start something new today and you'll be contributing to a healthier world for the future.

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